In 2009 the Palestinian Water Authority first implemented prepaid water meters in two villages on a trial basis. Quickly prepaid water meters spread throughout many more municipalities even as studies by the Palestinian Hydrology Group and LifeSource predicted and found that "the rich will consume high quantities of water, increasing the consumption gap between the rich and the poor."
Help Consumer Protection Society to Resist Prepaid Water Meters in Palestine
This past Monday, May 5, 2014, the Palestinian Water Authority and the Ministry of Local Government signed a Memorandum of Understanding to regulate the installation of prepaid water meters and increase the number of households using these unconstitutional meters.
They are justifying the installation of prepaid water meters as a way to "improve the services" and "reduce the unaccounted for water". However, the reduction in the unaccounted for water and the improvement of services they are referring to is only the administrative end: there are no plans to actually improve the water supply.
The Consumer Protection Association has announced its position against prepaid water meters to protect the human right to water of the Palestinian people regardless of ability to pay. Also we demand improvement in actual water supply to the people and transparency to ensure that any increased revenue streams are not simply transferred to management through increases in their salaries, bonuses and luxurious retreats.
What you can do:
Please support our efforts by joining this group, posting articles and reports about how prepaid water meters violate the human right to water, and any other support you are inspired to provide.